Feilhauer Aircraft Sales - ÎÒÃǵ±Ç°µÄ¹©Ó¦
¸Å¿ö | ÀàÐÍ: | Ö±Éý»ú (ÎÐÂÖ»ú) | Æ·ÅÆ: | Bell | ÐͺŠ1: | 212 | ÖÆÔìÄê: | 1980 | ×¢²áºÅ: | A7-HBN | ϵÁкÅ: | 31130 | µØµã: | ¿¨Ëþ¶û, Doha | ʱ¼ä×ܼÆ: | 13265 h | ¼Û¸ñ: | ѯ¼Û | ϸ½Ú |
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Feilhauer Aircraft Sales P.O. Box 87 1217 Meyrin 1 ÈðÊ¿
µç»°: +41 22 782 98 00 ´«Õæ: +41 22 782 98 11 |
ÁªÏµÏúÊÛÕß |
¸Å¿ö | ÀàÐÍ: | Ö±Éý»ú (ÎÐÂÖ»ú) | Æ·ÅÆ: | Bell | ÐͺŠ1: | 212 | ÖÆÔìÄê: | 1980 | ×¢²áºÅ: | A7-HBN | ϵÁкÅ: | 31130 | µØµã: | ¿¨Ëþ¶û, Doha | ʱ¼ä×ܼÆ: | 13265 h | ¼Û¸ñ: | ѯ¼Û |
·¢¶¯»ú£¨¶à¸ö£© | ·¢¶¯»úÊýÁ¿: | 2 | Æ·ÅÆ/ÐͺÅ: | Pratt & Whitney PT6T-3B |
º½¿Õµç×Óѧ | - Dual Panel Cockpit Instruments
- Two King KTR-905 VHF Radios
- Two King KDF-805 ADF
- King KNR-630 VOR/ILS
- King KDM-705 DME
- King MKR-675 Marker
- King KXP-755 Transponder with Mode C
- Sperry AA300 & AVAD Radio Altimeter
- Garmin 165 Area Navigational Aid GPS
- Cockpit Voice Recorder
- Marine VHF FM NAT 150
- Flight Crew / Passenger Intercom System
- ELT 406 |
×°±¸ | - Dual Controls
- Rotor Brake
- Undersling Load Hook and Role Equipment Provisions
- Stretcher Provisions
- Emergency Flotation Gear
- 2 x 10 man Reversible Liferafts and Survival Packs
- Crew Lifejackets with Emergency Sarbe Beacons
- 13x Passenger Lifejackets
- Two Fire Extinguishers
- First Aid Kit |
Íⲿ | - Paint : White, Red, Green and Brown |
Inspection Status | - Helicopter is unserviceable, due for D-Check and currently under Preservation/Storage.
Description / TSN-TSO / Time Remaining
- Main Rotor Blade / --- / Removed
- Main Rotor Blade / --- / Removed
- Main Rotor Hub Assy / --- / Removed
- Main Rotor Mast / --- / Removed
- Main Transmission / 4.540,10 / 1.459,90
- Scissor and Sleeve Assy / 489,00 / 511,00
- Swashplate Assy / 488,00 / 512,00
- 42° Gearbox / --- / Removed
- 90° Gearbox / --- / Removed
- Tail Rotor Hub / --- / Removed
- Tail Rotor Blade / --- / Removed
- Tail Rotor Blade / --- / Removed
- Power Section 1 / --- / Removed
- Power Section 2 / --- / Removed
- Combining Gearbox / --- / Removed |
ÆäËû | - If some of the components which have been removed are required, they can be delivered with the helicopter and price adjusted accordingly. |