¸Å¿ö | ÀàÐÍ: | ÅçÆøʽ·É»ú | Æ·ÅÆ: | Embraer | ÐͺŠ1: | Legacy 500 | ÖÆÔìÄê: | 2019 | ×¢²áºÅ: | EASA | ÊôÐÔ: | ±»IFR¼ø¶¨µÄ ±»IFR×°±¸µÄ ʼÖÕ£¨Ò»Ö±£©Í£ÁôÔÚ»ú¿â ÉÌÓÃ×¢²áµÄ EU-OPS 1 ×¢²áµÄ | µØµã: | µÂ¹ú | ʱ¼ä×ܼÆ: | 1190 h | ¼Û¸ñ: | ѯ¼Û | ϸ½Ú |
ÏúÊÛÕß |
Augsburg Air Service GmbH Flughafenstraße 5 86169 Augsburg µÂ¹ú
µç»°: +49 - 821 - 7003 - 143 ´«Õæ: +49 - 821 - 7003 - 153 Òƶ¯µç»°: +49 - 171 - 210 20 37 |
ÁªÏµÏúÊÛÕß |
¸Å¿ö | ÀàÐÍ: | ÅçÆøʽ·É»ú | Æ·ÅÆ: | Embraer | ÐͺŠ1: | Legacy 500 | ÖÆÔìÄê: | 2019 | ×¢²áºÅ: | EASA | ÊôÐÔ: | ±»IFR¼ø¶¨µÄ ±»IFR×°±¸µÄ ʼÖÕ£¨Ò»Ö±£©Í£ÁôÔÚ»ú¿â ÉÌÓÃ×¢²áµÄ EU-OPS 1 ×¢²áµÄ | µØµã: | µÂ¹ú | ʱ¼ä×ܼÆ: | 1190 h | ¼Û¸ñ: | ѯ¼Û | ³Ë¿ÍÊýÁ¿: | 2+10 |
·¢¶¯»ú£¨¶à¸ö£© | ·¢¶¯»úÊýÁ¿: | 2 | Æ·ÅÆ/ÐͺÅ: | Honeywell HTF7500E (AS907-3-1E) | Honeywell HTF7500E (AS907-3-1E) |
·¢¶¯»úÃèÊö/ϸ½Ú | Engines enrolled in MSP
APU enrolled in MSP
Airframe enrolled in EEC standard |
Synthetic Vision System (SVS) with full-screen presentation
RNP AR 0.3
Three frequency Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT / NAV
Single ADF
Third VHF communication transceiver
Single HF plus SELCAL
ACARS Datalink
ACARS over Iridium
CPDLC over ATN (EASA Link 2000+)
Datalink Graphical Weather
Lightning Detection System
Surface Management System
Reactive Windshear
Radio altimeter
Traffic Surveillance System (Integrated TCAS II and Enhanced
Mode S Transponder System)
Second Enhanced Mode S Transponder
Terrain Awareness and Warning System class A (TAWS-A)
OnboardMaintenance system (OMS)
Electronic checklist
Autothrottle system
Dual Air Data System RVSM compatible
Dual Flight Management System (FMS) with Take-off and Landing
performance calculation capability (TOLD)
Dual Global Positioning System (GPS) with SBAS/WAAS
Navigation charts capability - Integrated Flight Information
System (IFIS)
Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)
Flight Data Recorder (FDR)
ADS-B out |
×°±¸ | High Altitude Landing and Take-off (HALTO)
Iridium Satellite Phone
Swift Broadband High Speed Data
Enhanced Cabin Management System (19“ HD Monitors)
High Power Outlets – 115V
HEPA Filter
Observer Seat
Pilot Tables
Logo Light
Auto Brake |
ÄÚ²¿ | 2 Cockpit/9 Passengers/1 Observer Seat/1 Belted Toilet
Configuration with 6 Enhanced Seats and a RHS 3
Place Divan in the aft Cabin
Belted Toilet
Observer Seat
Cockpit Galley Curtain
Cabin/Lavatory Pocket Door
Galley/Cabin Pocket Door
Main Door Thermo-Acoustic Curtain
Microwave Oven and Refrigerator
Provisions for Coffee Machine
Stone floor on galley and lavatory floors / Stone veneer on countertops |
ÆäËû | Engines enrolled in MSP
APU enrolled in MSP
Airframe enrolled in EEC standard
Steep Approach Capability