Stemme S10-VT |
US$ 277.593 € 255.000 |
¸Å¿ö | ÀàÐÍ: | µ¥ÂÝÐý½°·É»ú | Æ·ÅÆ: | Stemme | ÐͺŠ1: | S10-VT | ÖÆÔìÄê: | 2007 | ×¢²áºÅ: | D-KNMY | ϵÁкÅ: | 11-110 | ÊôÐÔ: | ʼÖÕ£¨Ò»Ö±£©Í£ÁôÔÚ»ú¿â | µØµã: | ²¨À¼, Mielec, EPML | ʱ¼ä×ܼÆ: | 1507 h | ¼Û¸ñ: | € 255.000 (~ US$ 277.593) | ϸ½Ú |
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Roman Oraczewski µç»°: 00506165065 |
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¸Å¿ö | ÀàÐÍ: | µ¥ÂÝÐý½°·É»ú | Æ·ÅÆ: | Stemme | ÐͺŠ1: | S10-VT | ÖÆÔìÄê: | 2007 | ×¢²áºÅ: | D-KNMY | ϵÁкÅ: | 11-110 | ÊôÐÔ: | ʼÖÕ£¨Ò»Ö±£©Í£ÁôÔÚ»ú¿â | µØµã: | ²¨À¼, Mielec, EPML | ʱ¼ä×ܼÆ: | 1507 h | ¼Û¸ñ: | € 255.000 (~ US$ 277.593) |
·¢¶¯»ú£¨¶à¸ö£© | ·¢¶¯»úÊýÁ¿: | 1 | Æ·ÅÆ/ÐͺÅ: | Rotax 914 F2/S1 | ϵÁкÅ: | 44.20.682 | ¹¦ÂÊ: | 100 PS | ×Üʱ¼ä: | 607 h | ÂÝÐý½° Æ·ÅÆ/ÐͺÅ: | Stemme 11AP – V | ÂÝÐý½°×Üʱ¼ä: | 10 h |
º½¿Õµç×Óѧ | Display: LX S 100 VARIO
COM: Becker AR6201
Transponder: TRT 800 |
×°±¸ | Canopy cover, custom wing covers, Oxygen system mount, Ergonomic Remote Sticks, Wing Folding Device, 120 L wings fuel tanks. |
Íⲿ | 9/10 Canopy in excellent condition |
ÄÚ²¿ | Well-kept leather upholstery 9/10 |
Inspection Status | ARC: Valid to18.04.2024
Insurance: Valid to 08.11.2024 |
ÆäËû | The aircraft is in perfect condition – the fuselage looks like 2 years old, the interior looks like 3 years old. The owners have always treated this aircraft with great care. For the past few years, this S 10-VT has been used in commercial operations with CAO maintenance, operating out of Innsbruck in the heart of the Alps. This is my second S 10-VT, and I'm selling this safe motorglider because I have recently purchased a new Stemme S12 |