¸Å¿ö | ÀàÐÍ: | Ö±Éý»ú (ÎÐÂÖ»ú) | Æ·ÅÆ: | Eurocopter | ÐͺŠ1: | AS355 | ÖÆÔìÄê: | 2000 | ×¢²áºÅ: | OE-XWS | ϵÁкÅ: | 5110 | ÊôÐÔ: | ±»IFR×°±¸µÄ ʼÖÕ£¨Ò»Ö±£©Í£ÁôÔÚ»ú¿â ÉÌÓÃ×¢²áµÄ | ×îºóÒ»ÄêµÄ: | 4/2023 | µØµã: | °ÂµØÀû, Liezen | ʱ¼ä×ܼÆ: | 8353 h | ¼Û¸ñ: | ѯ¼Û | Å·ÃËÔöֵ˰: | ÊÇµÄ | Ôöֵ˰¹æ¶¨: | ¶Ô | ϸ½Ú |
ÏúÊÛÕß |
Heli Pro Helicopter Service GmbH Wirtschaftspark C4 8940 Liezen °ÂµØÀû
µç»°: +43(0)361224128 |
ÁªÏµÏúÊÛÕß |
¸Å¿ö | ÀàÐÍ: | Ö±Éý»ú (ÎÐÂÖ»ú) | Æ·ÅÆ: | Eurocopter | ÐͺŠ1: | AS355 | ÖÆÔìÄê: | 2000 | ×¢²áºÅ: | OE-XWS | ϵÁкÅ: | 5110 | ÊôÐÔ: | ±»IFR×°±¸µÄ ʼÖÕ£¨Ò»Ö±£©Í£ÁôÔÚ»ú¿â ÉÌÓÃ×¢²áµÄ | ×îºóÒ»ÄêµÄ: | 4/2023 | µØµã: | °ÂµØÀû, Liezen | ʱ¼ä×ܼÆ: | 8353 h | ¼Û¸ñ: | ѯ¼Û | Å·ÃËÔöֵ˰: | ÊÇµÄ | Ôöֵ˰¹æ¶¨: | ¶Ô | ³Ë¿ÍÊýÁ¿: | 6 |
·¢¶¯»ú£¨¶à¸ö£© | ·¢¶¯»úÊýÁ¿: | 2 | Æ·ÅÆ/ÐͺÅ: | Rolls Royce | Rolls Royce | ÂÝÐý½° Æ·ÅÆ/ÐͺÅ: | 250-C20F | 250-C20F |
º½¿Õµç×Óѧ | 3-Axis Auto Pilot System
×°±¸ | High Landing Gear
DART long Footsteps
LH Sliding Door
Pilot Doors with lower Windows
Windows with sliding Windows
Dual full equipped flight Controls
Radar Altimeter System with aural Warning
Retractable and adjustable Search/Landing Light
Dual Pitot and Static System
Dual Engine Fire Extinguishing System
Engine automatic relight System
3-Axis Airbus Autopilot – single Pilot IFR
Aux. Power and USB Connections in Cockpit and Cabin
BOSE Headset electric powered Connectors for Noise cancelling
FWD Belly Cowling cut out for Film Equipment mounting.
Cargo Hook (Swing) fixed parts |
Modifications/Conversions | Radio Altimeter GARMIN GRA55 (with aural warning) |
Inspection Status | Fresh 12 Year Inspection performed |
ÆäËû | Lightweight, clean, technical and optical top, well equipped, powerful and safe multi Engine Helicopter with Autopilot and economic Rolls Royce Engines. |